Corona Cork Film Festival 2012

Myself, the cub and Ronan Leonard at Triskel Arts Centre, Cork. Photo: Jed Niezgoda

Just about recovered after this year's Corona Cork Film Festival and enjoying some time off before getting ready for next year's festival! Met some lovely people and worked alongside an amazing team of volunteers and annual staff. I didn't get to see as much stuff as I'd like to have seen but it was a real joy to be caught up in the whirlwind of it.

One thing that really caught me by surprise was Paul Duane's excellent documentary Very Extremely Dangerous. Recommended!

Very Extremely Dangerous - Promo from screenworksfilmandtv on Vimeo.

Photo: Marcin Lewandowski

<iframe src="" width="445" height="250" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Very Extremely Dangerous - Promo</a> from <a href="">screenworksfilmandtv</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>