Luminous Void -Triskel Arts Centre



Luminous Void:

Performance by Vicky Langan /
Screening of Stone Boat Exhausted by Open Night Cinema

8pm, Thursday May 5th
Triskel Project Space, Cork

The second of three screening/performance events that punctuate the Experimental Film Society exhibition Luminous Void at Triskel Project Space will take place this Thursday, May 5th.

Cork-based artist Vicky Langan's emotionally charged performances envelop audiences in an often troublingly intense aura of dark intimacy. In opening herself emotionally, she creates private rituals that at once embrace the viewers and remain resolutely private. Her practice operates across several fields, chiefly performance, sound, and film. This live performance kicks off a week of her film collaborations with Maximilian Le Cain being screened on loop as part of the exhibition. This phase of Luminous Void runs concurrently with Triskel's Deep Focus: Women in Film Festival.

"There are some musicians who entertain us, fine; some who stimulate us, better; and then some who immerse us in something so powerful that, almost, primal emotions surface instantly; making us ultra-defensive, or, finally open to illumination. One of the latter is Vicky Langan... You may love her, hate her, be astonished, be repelled-but you will not be unmoved. Promise. In a world of bland s**te we need to treasure artists like this -even if they burn... ” — Bernard Clarke, NOVA, RTÉ Lyric Fm

Stone Boat Exhausted arises from the Open Night Cinema project by filmmaker Michael Higgins and performer Cillian Roche. This feature film documents an entirely improvised cinematic experience by members and friends of Open Night Cinema (ONC).

“Essentially, to talk about dimensions of Ireland is to talk about modes and moods of seeing. Seek for Fódhla not on horseback riding northwards, nor in a boat sailing westwards. Seek her in seeing.” – John Moriarty

A totemic walkabout through a single cycle of John Moriarty’s Dreamtime, Stone Boat Exhausted is a waking nightmare spawned from the id of Dublin City’s decaying industrial zones. The textures and patterns, light and shadows and the very material of sound and image construct an experience that re-realises our cultural past, present and future in one metamorphic breath.

Stone Boat Exhausted incorporates the use of analogue film projection, live improvised soundscapes and intense vocal and physical performances. It is the result of six months of ongoing collaborative performances. Devised and produced by Michael Higgins and Cillian Roche in collaboration with members and friends of ONC, Guerilla Aerial and Unbend Legout, and with kind permission from Lilliput Press.